
4 Day School Week?


That’s what a lot of schools are considering now:

Facing a crippling increase in fuel costs, some rural U.S. schools are mulling a solution born of the ’70s oil crisis: a four-day week.

Cutting out one day of school has been the key to preserving educational programs and staff in parts of Kentucky, New Mexico and Minnesota, outweighing some parents’ concerns about finding day-care for the day off.

One problem. In the 70’s (when I grew up), having one parent at home during the day was a lot more common than it is today. Childcare will become a key issue in this working out for the best. According to the article, some districts are already planning for that. The ones that aren’t need to. Schools aren’t the only one feeling the economic pinch, so families can’t afford additional child care or for one person to miss work.

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