
No More Roves!

This is legislation we really need passed, and Waxman is considering it:

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), who has primary jurisdiction over the executive branch, is considering legislation to eliminate Karl Rove-type advisers in future administrations.

The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hints broadly that such a bill could ban the use of federal funds to finance such a politically partisan office.

“Why should we be using taxpayer dollars to have a person solely in charge of politics in the White House?” Waxman said in an interview. “Can you imagine the reaction if each member of Congress had a campaign person paid for with taxpayer dollars?”

But other governments have done this in the past? I know of one government that had paid political officers in every part of government, and the military. That government was the Soviet Union. Isn’t that the goal of the GOP – to make us more like the commies? Look at the legislation and way they govern. It sure seems like it.

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