
McCain Sure Packs Them In


McCain is introducing his VP pick today at the Nutter Center in Dayton. The Nutter Center holds about 12,000 people, but look at this:

Tickets are still available for Sen. John McCain’s Friday, Aug. 29, rally at Wright State University’s Nutter Center in Fairborn.

McCain and his wife Cindy will appear at the event, dubbed the “Road to the Convention Rally.” Doors open at 9 a.m. and the event begins at 11 a.m.

Tickets are being given away at county GOP offices in southwest Ohio and in Indiana and Kentucky.

This event is being held in the heart of a red state tri-fecta, yet McCain hasn’t been able to sell out (or give out actually). But red state isn’t the only thing the Nutter Center is situated in. Dayton is also home to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, which has about 6,000 military and 9,000 civilian personnel. You would think such close proximity to a military base would give McCain’s speech a boost, and it may very well have, but he still has tickets available.

John McCain has no enthusiasm there.

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