
McCain's AP Surrogate Strikes Again

Ron Fournier, the Washington chief for the AP has published an “analysis” of Obama picking Biden. The headline alone tells it all:

Analysis: Biden pick shows lack of confidence

This is the kind of garbage the AP puts out, and also the kind Yahoo is keeping on top of their news page right now. It’s amazing that people would consider this as some unbiased view given the history of Ron Fournier.

So does Fournier’s article have any merit? Well to answer that we must be able to look into the future. Rumors have been out of McCain picking David Petraues as his running mate. Speaking in hyperbole, if McCain did that would that indicate the military is McCain’s weakness? I doubt it, and you can be the right would be up in arms to even suggest it.

If Romney is picked, does that indicate McCain’s weakness on economic issues? Again – no.

Let’s also look at some of Fournier’s past charms. Like when he wrote that Karl Rove needs to “keep up the fight“, or how about when he was considered for a spot on team McCain?

This guy has proven a definite bias in the past towards the GOP and John McCain. How in the world can the AP publish an article by him as some unbiased view? Anything Fournier writes should conclude with “I’m John McCain and I approve this message”.

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