
McCain's "Rapid Response"


There is a lot of talk this morning about how quickly the McCain campaign put out an attack ad about Biden. I don’t really see what all the hoopla is about. I am sure the McCain campaign has a Bayh, Kaine and any other finalist ad sitting there waiting for deletion now. In other words, they probably made it days, if not weeks, ago. But since there is so much scuttle-butt about it, I decided to go ahead and post it here:

Biden’s comments about McCain were from 2005. I think a lot has changed since then. Hell a lot of McCain changes every day with his constant flip-flops.

Also the comment about “Obama not being ready”, let’s put that in context. That was during a debate when Biden was running to be President. Of course he said things like that. Now if John McCain ends up picking Romney, we will have some choice edits from those debates to use. Remember the Romney McCain spat? Yeah – that will be aired a lot. I’m sure Obama’s campaign even has a video ready to go on it, just in case McCain picks him.

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