
Now I Have Heard It All

The talk on Morning Joe is about what a great speech John Kerry delivered last night, in which I must agree. It was one of the best speeches of the convention and one he should have done four years ago. The problem is that none of the networks covered this great speech.

So who is the Morning Joe crew blaming for that?

They are blaming the DNC. They are saying how the DNC should have forced the cameras to carry that speech. Well they did on CSPAN! But since when are the news makers supposed to force the media to carry the news? The media dropped the ball by not carrying this speech, but they come from the George W. Bush school of accountability and end up blaming everyone else for their failings.

Oh and if Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan watched the network that employs them, they would have noticed the cameras were on. MSNBC showed about 30 seconds of the speech while it was going on, but were to interested in hearing their own voices.

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