
Rick Warren Lies To America

There has been a lot of talk about rather McCain may have heard the questions Saturday night when they were being asked to Barack Obama. It’s pretty much all coming out of a report by CNN that when Rick Warren said McCain was in a “cone of silence”, he actually wasn’t. As matter of fact McCain wasn’t even in the building.

Aravosis has found a statement by the McCain campaign on this, and it’s really interesting:

Nicolle Wallace, a spokeswoman for Mr. McCain, said on Sunday night that Mr. McCain had not heard the broadcast of the event while in his motorcade and heard none of the questions.

“The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, cheated is outrageous,” Ms. Wallace said.

Forget the total audacity of the “prisoner of war” portition of the statement – anyone with common sense knows that has nothing to do about it. I want to focus on McCain’s camp saying that Obama’s campaign is insinuating this cheating. Here’s what I found from the Obama campaign on the issue:

For their part, an Obama spokesperson told CNN’s Mike Roselli they are not pursuing whether McCain heard any of the other questions. They say they assuming McCain had the same information they did.

Sounds like the Obama campaign isn’t too concerned about it, nor should they be. It’s over and trying to say McCain cheated would be an understatement by any standards. He lies and cheats on a daily basis.

Now who did lie is Rick Warren, you know – a Pastor. He told the audience that McCain was in the building and in this “cone of silence” when that wasn’t true. Why did this so-called Pastor decide to go out and lie to America? Perhaps this will be a lesson to Democrats to not trust preachers that believe their main place is in politics. The DNC should tell Warren that his lie to our candidate and the American people is not acceptable and the DNC will not accept any further “forums” hosted by this man. Maybe then we can forget about the insult on our nation’s foundation that took place Saturday night

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