
"A Partisan Paper Of Record"?


Here we go – attack the newspaper. The McCain campaign has a post up calling the New York Times a “partisan paper of record”, as well as comparing it to the Huffington Post. Amazing that this is the only defense they have, while ignoring other outlets such as Newsweek is also reporting on the Davis/Freddie connection.

Oh and the most interesting part of these 698 words posted by Camp McCain? They don’t deny the allegation of the $15,000 a month payments. Ben Smith has more on this.

Haven’t we seen this game before? Blame the media! That’s the common playbook tactic of the Bush administration, and would be a cornerstone practice in a McCain administration. McCain talks about change, yet he sure loves practicing more of the same.

Of course the McCain campaign also has no respect for the American people. That is evident by the constant barrage of lies that comes out of his campaign. They believe we are all a bunch of dumb asses sitting at home believing whatever they spoon feed us. Well America isn’t stupid. We are on to you John McCain and everyday you lie your numbers go down even further in the polls.

So when McCain loses this race, will he blame the media for it? You can count on it. It won’t be the Mark Penn tactics his campaign has employed. Instead it will be the fact that the media ended their lover affair with McCain and started publishing facts about the so-called maverick. They will continue their beliefs that America is full of a bunch of uninformed nitwits.

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