
No Family?

The Republicans have circled the wagons this week around Sarah Palin and her family. Well it seems like that plan is backfiring:

For two days, the chorus from Republicans on TV news and in the halls of the convention has been resounding: Back off and let the Palin family be. “That’s out of bounds,” said Minnesota’s Republican governor, Tim Pawlenty. “There’s no need to be intrusive and pry into that.”

This is followed by a whole list of how the GOP is using Palin’s family, but one part really stuck out at me:

_The extremely cute and bubbly Piper Palin, 7, made her debut on her mother’s behalf, appearing in a video on John McCain’s daughter’s blog. “Vote for my mommy and John McCain,” she said, giggling as Meghan McCain grinned.

So I found the video they are talking about:

Yeah it’s cute and so is Piper, but why is it fine and dandy for this video to appear, yet Obama was under fire for doing that interview with his daughters? Seems like we got more of the GOP double standards at play here.

Perhaps it could even be seen as racist. “We like seeing the cute little white girls, but don’t show the cute little black girls!” I know that’s stretching it, but the McCain campaign is stretching it when they call reporting on Palin sexist.

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