
Organized Crime From The Pulpit – They Crossed The Line Yesterday


33 pastors went out yesterday and endorsed John McCain from the pulpit, breaking the IRS rules put into effect in 1954. Will John McCain stand by and let this vagrant disregard for our democracy take place? These ministers must be punished for their lack of respect for our laws. Their churches must also now pay taxes, as they have now removed themselves from being tax exempt by their action.

Even more disturbing is the fact that this was a concentrated and planned out effort. The Organized Crime Control Act defines organized crime as:

The unlawful activities of … a highly organized, disciplined association

The organization of this day of lawlessness is more evident by this:

The campaign, organized by the Alliance Defense Fund, a socially conservative legal consortium based in Arizona, has gotten the attention of the Internal Revenue Service. The agency, alerted by opponents, pledged to “monitor the situation and take action as appropriate.”

All these individuals must be punished for their actions. All we can do is hope that the IRS takes action. I’m sure if these pastors went out and endorsed Barack Obama there would be action taken.

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