
Politicizing Gustav

That’s exactly what the GOP is planning to do. They are hoping everyone suffers a sudden case of amnesia over the deadly response to Katrina and this will make everything better. Of course we all know the real issue. George Bush allowed cronyism to take over inside the government and that poor judgment, a Republican trait, caused us to loose hundreds of citizens along with an American city.

And while on this, something popped into my head. Remember TWA flight 800? After that deadly explosion, Bill Clinton went to the scene and met with the families of survivors. He held a private meeting with them and even prayed with them. This was all done with no cameras present (at the demand of Clinton), yet many from the GOP accused Clinton of politicizing the tragedy. McCain is making sure the cameras are on while he is down there. He doesn’t care about what really happens, so long as he gets some good PR.

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