
The New Sexism Charge Starts In 3..2..1


lipstick on a pig.jpg

Here is the top headline on Drudge right now:


Which links to this article on Politico:

Amie Parnes reports from Lebanon, VA:

Obama poked fun of McCain and Palin’s new “change” mantra.

“You can put lipstick on a pig,” he said as the crowd cheered. “It’s still a pig.”

“You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It’s still gonna stink.”

“We’ve had enough of the same old thing.”

The crowd apparently took the “lipstick” line as a reference to Palin, who described the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull in a single word: “lipstick.”

Lipstick on a pig is actually slang for when people try to “dress” things up, kind of like McCain and Palin are doing on her record. However, in the world of 24 hour spin machine and smear merchants, that won’t sit. The right will quickly turn this into “Obama called Palin a pig”. Proof of that is the way Drudge posted this headline, with a picture of Palin above it.

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