
What Maverick?

I thought McCain was supposed to be this “maverick”, always going against his party. Well on his first real test of that, he failed:

Up until midweek last week, some 48 to 72 hours before Mr. McCain introduced Ms. Palin at a Friday rally in Dayton, Ohio, Mr. McCain was still holding out the hope that he could choose a good friend, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, independent of Connecticut, a Republican close to the campaign said. Mr. McCain had also been interested in another favorite, former Gov. Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania.

But both men favor abortion rights, anathema to the Christian conservatives who make up a crucial base of the Republican Party. As word leaked out that Mr. McCain was seriously considering the men, the campaign was bombarded by outrage from influential conservatives who predicted an explosive floor fight at the convention and vowed rejection of Mr. Ridge or Mr. Lieberman by the delegates.

So McCain gave into the pressure of his radical base. Wow that sure sounds a lot like Bush.

And why don’t the media bring up the most important part of this whole process. John McCain had 3 more months than Obama to vet his running mate, and this is what he picked? That alone gives us a deeper look into who McCain acts without thought – again much like Bush.

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