
Pittsburgh Councilman Asks For An Apology From The McCain Campaign


The McCain campaign has tried to deny any involvement in Ashley Todd’s racially charged hoax last week, but a Pittsburgh councilman isn’t buying it:

A Pittsburgh city councilman said he is upset with the way Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign handled last week’s alleged attack of a supporter, which later turned out to be a hoax.

The Rev. Ricky Burgess said a McCain-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin official was pushing a version of the story that was far more explosive than what was confirmed at the time.

Ashley Todd, 20, went to police with two black eyes and a knife-carved “B” on her face after she said she was brutally attacked in Bloomfield on Wednesday for her political views.

Burgess isn’t stopping there either. He wants an apology from the McCain campaign for their actions:

Burgess sent a letter to McCain, saying, “That one of your campaign spokespersons would spread such an incendiary story before any confirmation of the facts is both irresponsible and runs counter to our nation’s constitutional guarantee.”

Burgess also asked for an apology to the city of Pittsburgh and its black community.

Somehow I doubt we will hear any apology from the McCain campaign, but this could be good to keep the story fresh for this week.

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