
Sarah The Scapegoat

Roger Simon, someone very sympathetic towards the McCain campaign, has an interesting item up at the Politico:

John McCain’s campaign is looking for a scapegoat. It is looking for someone to blame if McCain loses on Tuesday.

And it has decided on Sarah Palin.

In recent days, a McCain “adviser” told Dana Bash of CNN: “She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone.”

Imagine not taking advice from the geniuses at the McCain campaign. What could Palin be thinking?

Also, a “top McCain adviser” told Mike Allen of Politico that Palin is “a whack job.”

Yes Sarah Palin has been a total disaster for John McCain and most likely will cost him this election, but he can’t blame just Sarah. McCain is the one who made the pick. He is the one who has defended her at every bend. I don’t care what report says “his advisers made him pick her”, John McCain is in charge of his campaign. Making decisions is the very job he is trying for, and his first presidential level decision turned out to be a total failure. John McCain has no one to blame but John McCain, but the spin on this will be very interesting.

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