
Time For A Big Rant


Sarah Palin’s constant talk about being the mother of a special needs child needs to stop. She has spent only 5 months in this role and right now she is at the best times. Growing up with a brother who is autistic, and was diagnosed at a time when the word autism was foreign to a majority of the population, I can tell you she has no idea what’s to come.

I have spent enough time in my life with lots of special needs children. From autism to retardation, I have seen it all. I have been involved in a special needs Scout troop and worked he Special Olympics. I know tons of parents of special needs children and they all concur that she is at the best point in time of her parenting.

Either she has no idea what’s to come, or she is exploiting Trig’s Down’s Syndrome. And why was her 5 month old baby brought out on stage at 11 at night? She is showing she has no concern for the child – he is just a tool for her campaign. That’s really sad and gives you more insight into her parenting style. If “Joe six pack” or his wife did the same thing, they would most likely get a visit from family services. Some how its fine for her to do this though.

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