
Trying To Say You're Not Racist With Racist Remarks


It amazes me hearing Republicans go after John Lewis for his statement yesterday. His statement was 100% true. Republicans have been pushing the race card without actually saying it. What Republicans are trying to do though is say they aren’t pushing race as a black and white issue. Instead they are pushing race as an Arab issue.

Look at the tone of recent ads and the whole “who is Barack Obama?” That line alone instills a feeling of racism. Sure they are trying to do it while acquainting him with Bill Ayers, but considering a McCain supporter sat on the very same board that Obama and Ayers did the question could be posed back to McCain. If that happened people wouldn’t react the same, simply because he has a white face.

Every political ad is very well designed. All reactions are thought out fully. The Republicans have always had the upper hand in this. We saw it during 2004, and you can’t tell me they didn’t know what the responses would be from the ads today.

Obama hasn’t pulled the race card, like many on the right are claiming. In fact they are proving their racist mindsets by even trying to claim this. Instead John Lewis went out and warned that we could face a serious problem in our country if the tone isn’t changed in this campaign. John Lewis knows about this since he was right in the middle of it before. If Republicans want to win over more independent voters they need to stop stoking the flames of racism and embrace the remarks by one of the wisest men this country knows when it comes to racial tensions.

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