
Oh Lieberman

I have been staying pretty clear of all the Lieberman stuff going on. Would I like to see him stripped of his chairmanship? Yes I would. Will I be upset if he isn’t? No.

There has been a lot going on in the left blogosphere over Lieberman. A lot of bigger blogs are adamant about Lieberman suffering the big punishment. Some have even questioned Obama’s show of support for Lieberman. My take is simple – let them all work it out.

I can understand Obama’s position fully. What if President-elect Obama came out and said “Strip him and kick him out of the caucus”? Besides making Obama look vindictive, it could lead to big problems if the Senate didn’t punish him. Imagine a President Obama trying to get things ran through the Homeland Security Committee with Lieberman on there after that? It would be close to impossible.

We just need to sit back and see what the caucus decides to do. If they keep him fine. Then we can work our asses off that much harder to get him replaced in 2012. If they kick him out that’s fine by me also. Let him head over to the right side of the aisle.

Over all I think it’s much noise about something very minor and someone so insignificant. This country has far bigger problems and our energies can be spent better else where.

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