
PA. Teacher's Aide Goes On Racist Rant Over Obama

This is sick:

The mother of a sixteen-year-old student in the Allison Park suburb of Pittsburgh was shocked when her daughter repeated disparaging remarks made about Barack Obama by a teacher’s aide at her vocational high school.

“One of the teacher’s aides … said that Obama was going to be shot and killed,” Mara Gilligan told KDKA News. “And that our flag is going to be the KFC [Kentucky Fried Chicken] flag and that the new national anthem will be ‘Moving On Up’ — and that all my daughter’s beliefs were wrong and her children’s lives were going to be ruined because Obama was elected.”

Raw Story has video up of it. Last week the right was up in arms over a black teacher saying things in support of Obama. What she did in no way compared to this. I wonder if we will see the same vigilance from the right on this story. (Don’t hold your breath!)

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