
Two Racists Arrested In New York City


Finally we have someone to make an example of. I am sure there will be more down the road:

Alie Kamara, a black Staten Island teenager, watched the results of the Nov. 4 election at a friend’s house. Soon after Barack Obama was declared the winner, he walked home alone to his house in the Stapleton neighborhood.

On the way, as he recounted on Saturday, a dark car pulled up nearby. Two men jumped out and started to chase him. Two others followed shortly afterward.

“They said ‘Obama!’ ” Alie, 17, told reporters in the driveway of his house on Pine Place, recalling that the men were carrying bats. When the men caught up with him they beat him on the leg and head, he said. “I was bleeding by my head.”

Unlike Ashley “B carver” Todd, two men have now been arrested in connection with this assault and are facing several charges, including federal hate-crime assault. I think the saddest part of this story is the fact that the victim wasn’t even old enough to vote. This is the sickness that is racism.

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