
$100 Billion Failure

It just amazes me hearing Republicans, like Bob Corker, say that Bush caused our economic troubles. So much has helped lead to it and Bush is at fault on most of it, but so our the Republicans. For example, the Republicans couldn’t spend a whopping $14 billion on the auto industry, yet the Pentagon has totally wasted $100 billion on Iraq’s reconstruction. Every time someone would question these wastes and frauds, they were painted as unpatriotic or as some kind of troop hater by the administration and Republicans.

Of course Iraq isn’t the only thing that helped lead to our economic turmoil, but think if we had that money to use on stimulating the economy, instead of just wasting away in Iraq, and becoming a free ride for contractors. The Republicans have every bit as much blame in this as George W. Bush. Now we need the Democrats to show leadership and remind the Republicans, as well as the American people, about this simple fact.

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