
Is God Punishing Alaska For Sarah Palin?

Looks like they could be facing a natural disaster up north:

Hardware stores and auto parts shops scored a post-holiday run of business this week as Anchorage-area residents stocked up on protective eyewear and masks ahead of a possible eruption of Mount Redoubt.

Monitoring earthquakes underneath the 10,200-foot Redoubt Volcano about 100 miles southwest of Anchorage, scientists from the Alaska Volcano Observatory warned that an eruption was imminent, sending experienced Alaskans shopping for protection against a dusty shower of volcanic ash that could descend on south-central Alaska.

If Katrina was New Orlean’s God’s punishment for having their gay pride parade, then this has to be his punishment for them giving us Sarah Palin, or maybe her daughter having that baby out of wedlock. Maybe Pat Robertson will tell us the answer.

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