
Truer Words Never Been Spoken

This brings a huge smile to my face:

President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning – but he also left no doubt about who’s in charge of these negotiations. “I won,” Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.

Apparently the Republicans are still wanting to push all their tax cuts. Obama was right to say this. It wasn’t a partisan jab, but rather a statement of fact. The voters were presented with the Democratic economic views and the Republican economic views last fall, all while the economy was a front and center issue. Guess what? The voters spoke and the Democrats won overwhelmingly, meaning their ideals and beliefs won. If the American public wanted more tax cuts then we would be talking about President McCain today.

It’s time that the Republicans start learning that they are there to represent the people, not their base. The American voters have given them enough chances in the past and they have been dealt to two consecutive blows at the polls because of it. The problem is that the Republicans are back in campaign mode, and the first step to re-election for people like John Boehner is the possibility of a primary win, plus raising money to run, so they will continue to cater to the extremist wing of the Republican Party. Just another example of why our system of democracy is still failed.

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