
A Government By The Party For The Party


Here comes more proof that the Republicans believe in ideology before people:

The California Republican Party has approved a measure reprimanding six GOP lawmakers who voted for the largest tax increase in state history.

The measure to deny the six party funding for the 2010 election was approved Sunday by delegates during the party’s convention in Sacramento.

Three lawmakers each from the Senate and Assembly broke ranks last week to give Democrats and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger the necessary votes for passing a compromise budget solution to the state’s $42 billion shortfall.

These people were elected to represent the people, by the people. I guess that whole idea of “by the people, for the people” has somehow become a fable in the minds of the GOP though, since they seem to care only about their party beliefs. That isn’t American. If there was a word to describe it, I would have to call it fundamentalism, much like al Qaeda. Perhaps we should become a one party nation – something else that the people seem to be pushing for.

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