
Wingnuts Explode!

Oh and they are. They hate this press conference. Let’s look at the wingnut queen Michelle Malkin:

Update 8:05pm Eastern. President Obama. “It is only government that can break the vicious cycle.”

Jobs, jobs, jobs. Investment, investment, investment.

Gag. President Obama claims to be acting on behalf of my children and grandchildren.

So talking stimulus shouldn’t mean jobs and investment? Really? This bitch is whack. We are losing jobs left and right, but how dare the President talk about trying to create jobs!.

Then she goes into this little tirade:

Update 8:13pm Eastern. Obama dissing those who have criticized FDR’s growth-stifling interventions. Attempts to shut down and whitewash the economic dissenters. It’s the Obama way.

Hmmm did I miss him calling them terrorists lovers or unpatriotic? Oh no – that’s what Republicans did every time someone disagreed with Bush.

Like I said the other day, if people like Malkin don’t like the country now they can get the hell out. They told us that for the past eight years, so now it’s time to return the favor. Osama bin Laden loves seeing the American economy fail, along with Malkin. Why does she support the terrorists so much?

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