
Horror In A Texas Town – Blame The Bisexuals!

I found this story via Andrew Sullivan, who is going after Belief Net’s Rod Dreher.

Terry Caffey can still taste the blood and gunpowder.

He can hear the staccato gunfire, the shrieks of terror and the plaintive wail of his 13-year-old son – “Why? Why?”

He can feel the heat and suffocating smoke from the fire that rolled along the floors and up the walls of his cabin tucked in the piney woods of East Texas.

And he can see his wife – a humble woman whose fingers danced and spirit soared at her church’s piano – slumped at the foot of the bed, her neck slashed so savagely that a coroner’s report would say she was nearly decapitated.

The story is rather long and does deserve a read, as the story is very tragic, but I want to focus on one part that Dreher focused on, and resulted in Sullivan calling him “clinical”, a highly appropriate response:

Penny home-schooled the children soon after the family moved from Celeste, population 800, to Emory, population 1,200, about three years ago.

The transition to a larger school district was bumpy.

“I guess you’d call it culture shock,” Caffey said. “Emory has a lot of bisexual kids; it’s like it was almost cool to be bisexual. One of the first things that happened was some girl wanted to be Erin’s little girlfriend. And I was like, ‘That ain’t happenin’.’ “

But after three years of home schooling and much discussion, the children re-enrolled in public schools in 2008. The boys seemed to thrive, but Caffey and his wife were concerned about Erin.

A 16-year-old freshman, she was infatuated with Charlie Wilkinson, an 18-year-old senior – who Caffey describes as cocky and disrespectful.

(emphasis added)

The accusations that this school had “a lot of bisexual kids” has no implication on the actual story or what lead to the deaths. That author just threw it in there to get some gay hate going on it sounds like, and moron’s like Dreher focus on it. There is no evidence to even back this claim up in the story, it’s just a claim made by the victim of a heinous crime. But Dreher is taking it as gospel. As matter of fact the thought there might even be some bi-sexual activity is more shocking than the murders to him:

What got me was this: This is a tiny East Texas town — and there’s a bisexual culture in one of them, among the teenagers? WTF?

First off Mr. Religion – WTF means “what the fuck”. You better go and repent those sins now. But to be shocked by some baseless claim by an individual who went through one of the most traumatic incidents imaginable, and taking that as more shocking than the actual crime – well that is just sick.

Like I said in my earlier post, the Vatican has talked about a “crisis in faith”. With people like Dreher out there, is it any wonder why?

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