
Living In Fantasy Land

The GOP leadership is trying to get Dick Cheney to go back into his hiding hole:

Congressional Republicans are telling Dick Cheney to go back to his undisclosed location and leave them alone to rebuild the Republican Party without his input.

Displeased with the former vice-president’s recent media appearances, Republican lawmakers say he’s hurting  GOP efforts to reinvent itself after back-to-back electoral drubbings.

The veep, who showed a penchant for secrecy during eight years in the White House,has popped up in media interviews to defend the Bush-Cheney record while suggesting that the country is not as safe under President Obama.

For those who hail in common sense, they might think this is because Cheney just scares the crap out of everyone. His delusional world, where Saddam Hussein magically flew one of the planes into a tower on 9/11, then somehow survived to go back and create a major chemical weapon that would turn us all into a pact of brain eating zombies – well that is just scary.

But if you are a wingnut living in fantasy land, like Ed Morrissey, then this is what you think:

Dick Cheney mostly kept his own counsel while serving as George Bush’s VP, but now he’s free to talk — and to make sure that history gets his role correct.

These are the people that think George Bush was the best President EVER. Just mention of his name, or Cheney’s, sends them into some school girl frenzy. It really is a sad thing to watch, but yet so damn funny.

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