
Rush VS Newt

Ok this is getting good. Yesterday Newt Gingrich had the audacity to go against core conservative values and state that he wants the president to succeed and “you’re irrational if you don’t want him to”:

Now we are on today, and Limbaugh isn’t happy about that:

“I’m frankly getting tired of talking about Newt. I mean, it’s a pointless exercise,” Limbaugh said of Gingrich’s dismissal of him on Meet the Press. “I’m surprised by nothing when I’m dealing with people in the media who think they’re in politics…. They are fly-by-night operators, and most of them stand for nothing until they see a poll about what the American people want, and then they go out and try to say one way or another what the American people want while trying to falsely hold onto an ideology at the same time — and you can’t count on them. You can’t depend on them. They will sell you out; they will throw you overboard to save themselves, faster than anything. And they’ll use you on their way up as often as they can at the same time.”

How dare these people in the media, who think they are in politics say such things! You go Rush.

Oh wait!

Rush is in the media. Newt was in politics and still is. Sounds like someone better up Rush’s dose.

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