
“Come Up With An Alternative Plan”

That was the advice Joe Scarborough had for his “conservative brethren” this morning.

You think Joe would know that his party has always been the greatest embracers of conspiracy theories. That’s all they have to sell their broken ideology. Off the top of my head, here’s a few we heard over the past several years:

The worst part is that these are conspiracy theories peddled by leaders of the GOP, including then President Bush and his administration. Could you imagine if Nancy Pelosi said “George Bush was behind 9/11”? That’s a left wing conspiracy theory that has never been embraced by our side.

When you consider it, 90% of the conservative platform is nothing but conspiracy theories. Take for example taxes. They try to say that Democrats will raise taxes to bring us closer to socialism. I don’t know of any Democrats trying to make us a socialistic nation, even though people are more open to the idea now.

Until the Republicans stop embracing hair brained, Hollywood style conspiracies, they can plan on a long future as the minority. That’s not a conspiracy – that’s just fact.

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