
Hannity Insanity


Sean Hannity must really be upset that Glenn Beck has been getting all the attention lately, so Sean is now on a mission to out crazy Beck.

But the real crazy comes here:

HANNITY: America is arrogant. That’s what Mr. Obama said today, doing his best Dixie Chicks impression while his new world order tour traveled across Europe. And that is our headline this Friday night, day number 74 of a country I am proud of, Obama attacks America. Now, speaking to an audience in France, this is what the president said this very morning.

We are back on the Dixie Chicks. Oh my and this happened in France! Hey Sean – are you going to bring back the “freedom fries” also?

Murdoch really should look into a new group health policy that covers psychiatric services for his employees. Of course he wouldn’t do that though, he profits from crazy.

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