
How Low Do They Want To Go?

Well, Specter, take [Sen. John] McCain with you. And his daughter [Meghan]. Take McCain and his daughter with you if you’re gonna…

Republican Leader Rush Limbaugh on news of Specter switching parties. That’s a pretty bad statement, but even worse is his rationale for it:

…..It’s ultimately good. You’re weeding out people who aren’t really Republicans

Only 21% of the people in this country identify themselves as Republican now. How low does boss Limbaugh want to go? 14%? 7%?

I also wonder how long it will take before the Democrats stop gloating and realize that this is actually bad for our country and take action to fix this problem? It might sound odd that Democrats would be worried about the demise of their opponent in our political fabric, but having two strong parties is necessary to ensure our system of checks and balances. So if it gets to the point that Democrats have a 65 or 70 seat majority in the Senate, will Democrats take action to force a restructuring of the Republican Party, or leveling the playing field to help bring in other parties like the Libertarian movement? Our country does depend on it.

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