
Interesting New Legal Twists For The Blogosphere?

There has been talk about this for weeks now, but it looks more and more like the FTC is going to put some regulations in that could effect bloggers:

In the new proposed rules, The Federal Trade Commission also addressed advertising in new media (Web 2.0). Essentially, if an advertiser pays a blogger to write a review endorsing a product or service, the advertiser and the blogger must disclose the financial relationship. In addition, both blogger and advertiser both will be liable for any false or unsubstantiated claims regarding results of products or services.

At first you think this wouldn’t effect our niche of the blogosphere that much, but then you see the ongoing discussion over Greg Sargent’s post yesterday talking about advertising in the blogosphere, and you stop and think again. Basically the whole argument is over liberal (sorry – progressive) organizations and if they should purchase advertising on blogs who help promote their causes. If that becomes the case, then this could very well fall under the new regulations of the FTC.

And for the record, I only really push e-Cigarettes and I in no way get any financial compensation from that, well except the money I save from buying real cigarettes.

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