
Save The Rich!

To prove this is a meme of the Republican Party just take a look at this blog post by Robert Stacy McCain (wingnut extraordinaire!):

Let me explain something to you, David Axelrod: Obama and the Democrats didn’t “cut taxes” in a way that will stimulate economic growth. They didn’t reduce or eliminate the capital gains tax. They didn’t reduce or eliminate the corporate tax. Most of all, they didn’t reduce the top marginal rate.

He is going after David Axelrod talking about the tax cut for 95% of Americans. See – the Republicans don’t care about 95% of the country. Instead they only worry about that top 5% and the big corporations. Screw everyone else.

Now I wonder how many of these wingnuts are gladly accepting the tax cuts under Obama? If they really believe what they say, then shouldn’t they give the money back, or better yet – donate it to a mega corporation of their choice? Prove you mean what you write. Yeah – I doubt that will happen.

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