
Why Does The Government Want Me To Keep Smoking?


For close to a quarter of a century I have been a smoker. I average about a pack and a half a day. During this time I have tried everything. The patches didn’t do a thing. The gum and lozenges never worked. I even tried Chantix, the “stop smoking” pill twice and had no luck.

Then a couple of weeks ago I learned about a product called NJoy, which is an electronic cigarette.

Electronic cigarettes are gaining huge popularity. They turn a liquid form of nicotine into a vapor. You drag on it like a cigarette and get your needed nicotine. On top of that it tastes pretty much like a cigarette and you get the same mechanics of smoking. All that without the tar and harmful ingredients found in regular cigarettes, well except nicotine.

This magical device helped me quit last week and I feel great. I get a minor craving every once in awhile for a real cigarette, especially after meals, but a quick hit of my NJoy and I am back to normal.

So guess what?

The government wants to ban these things. They think that these devices, which have helped thousands quit now, might be a danger to us. Their argument – they don’t know if inhaling nicotine is harmful or not. There for they think these products should be banned until the FDA can study them. Of course that would mean banning them for years and then when they say “well yeah inhaling nicotine is harmful, just like smoking a cigarette, but at least your not inhaling tons of carcinogens with these”, then they will allow them to be sold with a huge tax.

It amazes me that they can even attempt this argument. For years the government turned their back on the dangers of smoking. Sure they said “oh its bad for you”, but did they do anything about it really? Hell they wouldn’t even regulate the cigarette companies. Just now there is legislation going through to do that, and its passage in Senate isn’t certain.

The FDA hasn’t even been able to protect our food in the past several years. But look out. There’s a product out there that can help people quit smoking more effectively than anything else on the market, so we need to stop that!

If this ban happens then it can only be considered a major crime upon the people of this country, by their government. Corporate influence will once again trump the health and safety of the people. In other words – big tobacco will win and be allowed to continue their quest of poisoning the people of this country.

There is a petition available at Care2Action to help keep these products on the market. If you got a second, please sign it. And for a little more information on these products, here’s a segment that CNN ran a few weeks ago:

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