
William Donohue Firing Up Against Angels And Demons


We all knew this was coming:

William Donohue of the Catholic League is on a mission. Whether it is a “mission from God,” as the Blues Brothers would say, only God knows, but the goal of his mission is clear: to paint me and the movie I directed, Angels & Demons, as anti-Catholic.

For a $5 donation to his organization, Mr. Donohue will send you his glossy new booklet (Angels & Demons: More Demonic Than Angelic), in which he writes that I and the people who made this thriller “do not hide their animus against all things Catholic.”

That was posted by Ron Howard. It’s funny how much furor there was over The DaVinci Code, yet the movie ended up breaking all kinds of records. I for one can’t wait for the new movie to come out.

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