
Powell Crushes Limbaugh And Cheney In Poll


From CNN:

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Monday, suggests that 70 percent have a favorable opinion of Powell, who was Secretary of State during President George W. Bush’s first term, and who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Persian Gulf War.

Only 30 percent of those polled have a favorable view of Limbaugh, the popular conservative radio talk show host, with 53 percent saying they hold an unfavorable opinion.

In poll numbers released Thursday, 37 percent say they have a favorable opinion of Dick Cheney, with 55 percent indicating they hold an unfavorable view of the former vice president.

So Powell’s approval rating is higher than Cheney and Limbaugh’s combined. This should serve as a sign to the GOP – drop Cheney and Limbaugh and embrace Powell. Powell is the kind of person who would help bring people into the GOP fold, unlike the divisive Cheney Limbaugh show. That’s what the GOP needs to become a party of relevance again.

Of course none of that will happen though. The GOP is ran by a pack of cowards. If one of them says anything that can be construed as negative against the Rushssiah then they must flock to his airwaves, kneel down and kiss his royal fat ass.

That brings us to what should be a new DNC tag line:

If the Republicans can’t stand up to Rush Limbaugh, how can we trust them to stand up to nations and terrorists?

Yup – that would be a crushing message.

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