
So Souter’s Retiring

I’m sure the right is outraged over Supreme Court Justice David Souter announcing his retirement only a few months into a Democratic administration. They probably view it as the final deception by the George H.W. Bush choice who turned out to be more to the left than right. Now we get the media frenzy over “who will Obama pick”.

This pick should be really interesting to watch, as I am sure President Obama will be much more hands on than previous Presidents. First off we have a President who is educated in Constitutional law, so his pick will be based largely upon a legal belief in the Constitution instead of an ideological one. Think back to George Bush and when the person he thought was the best legal mind in the country happened to be Harriet Miers. Not only did the left laugh her nomination out, but the right did also. It was an ideological pick, trying to turn the Supreme Court into an arm of the GOP.

So we got a President now who accepts the court as a third and equal branch of government and will respect that. President Obama’s pick will be an interesting one to watch and not a joke like George Bush.

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