
Uneducated Talking Heads

Watching Meet the Press I can’t help but think that these news organizations go out and hire the biggest flunkies from basic government classes. It’s that or they think that their viewers are total idiots.

Let me explain. They are talking about Nancy Pelosi’s approval rating dropping, so that means she might not be reelected. All the polls have been on a national sample. Those don’t matter. What does her constituents think of her? That’s who reelects her – not the nation.

For proof of this let’s look at John Boehner. Going into last November’s election Boehner’s approval was around 15%. However, Boehner won his district by over 60%. Wow he was really sunk – wasn’t he?

So will the talking heads start acting like they know what they are talking about. This is stuff people learn by the third grade. If you can’t comprehend something taught to young children then its no wonder the news industry is in shambles.

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