
On Mark Sanford


Like most I have been very interested in the Mark Sanford story. I think it really highlights the downfalls of the person coined a top GOP contender in 2012. What does it say about the leadership of Stanford when he just disappears for days without letting anyone know where he will be, including his own wife?

I keep thinking “what if a disaster, either natural or man-made, hit South Carolina?” With the governor AWOL, they would not be able to declare an emergency without the extra hurdle of declaring the governor incapacitated. That would really slow up any rescue measures, let alone any needed funding. At best Sanford’s actions should be considered a dereliction of duty, and the Congress of South Carolina should really consider if they want this man to continue leading their state.

Then there is the whole “I went hiking” story he is pushing. As someone who loves hiking, camping and everything outdoors, I never decide to take off without notifying someone. Its just common sense and preparation. What if something happens to me out there? Will anyone know where I am or what I am doing if I break a leg or have a heart attack? This shows the lack of personal responsibility that Sanford accepts, and should be a warning sign to any Sanford supporters that he is not a man worthy of leadership.

And finally there is the family angle to this story. The man didn’t even tell his wife or kids where he was going. The man has four children and just up and leaves on Father’s Day? This might seem like normal “family values” to the party of John Ensign and Ted Haggard, but to people who really understand and cherish family it is just plain creepy.

So with Sanford’s little expedition we see another hopeful for Republican salvation go up in flames. He joins in the ranks of Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindhal. I guess we can start considering Tim Pawlenty a front runner now.

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