
Pro-Lifers Played Big Time

I never heard of “April’s Mom”, but apparently she was someone the pro-life right wing was getting behind. A young, expectant mother who was told her baby was mentality ill yet decided to give birth. She blogged about the decisions and raising the child.

Only one problem.

It was a lie. 26 year old Beccah Beushausen who became entangled in her web of lies:

She had expected only a handful of friends to read it, but when her first post got 50 comments, she was hooked.
“I’ve always liked writing. It was addictive to find out I had a voice that people wanted to hear,” Beushausen said.
“Soon I was getting 100,000 hits a week, and it just got out of hand,” she said. “I didn’t know how to stop. … One lie led to another.”

Apparently Beushausen actually did lose a son in 2005 and is a pro-lifer, but her latest story was just that – a story.

And sorry wingnuts, but this isn’t a crime. If we wanted to prosecute bloggers for lying then the entire right wing blogosphere would be non-existent.

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