
Soul Shake?


Limbaugh just loves showing his racist beliefs:

In Venezuela, we had a soul shake, or whatever — that black handshake he has that he had with Chavez. We had a soul shake.

And the GOP wonders why they are losing the black and Hispanic vote? What do you expect when you got a racist being you mouth piece?

But I don’t blame Limbaugh alone in this. He has done this kind of crap for years. Last year he was referring to then candidate Obama as a “spade” and Hillary Clinton as a “ho”, and there was no outrage over it. Where was NOW, the NAACP, Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton? They constantly give this fat wind-bag a pass. That’s why I didn’t care that much about Don Imus. They went after him, but totally ignore Limbaugh. I guess these groups are just scared of the fat man.

(h/t Cesca)

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