


I’m going to join the right in the outrage over a post that appeared on Huffington Post for a short time yesterday. Allahpundit captured a screen grab of it:


The author, Erik Sean Nelson, decided to poke some fun at Palin while also insulting the mentally retarded. How does the HuffPo handle something like this? They quietly just delete the post. As mater of fact the author gave Bloggasm a less than sound reasoning for it:


No story, I pulled it down. I got some emails from offended loved ones of the retarded. No one was seeing the absurdity of Palin hiding behind her children, so my piece was not accomplishing anything good. That’s all that happened.



Not only should Nelson’s account on HuffPo be deleted, but the editors of the site should also post a very heart-felt apology. This is absolutely appalling and if I was Arianna I would be fuming. Right now Nelson has put HuffPo in the same category as Limbaugh and FOX News, but a strong response from the site editors can quickly right that wrong. Time is ticking boys!

I had misspelled Nelson’s first name. It is Erik, not Eric. Thanks to Eric S. Nelson from the University of Massachusetts Lowell for pointing this out.

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