
Was It The Cost Of The Ethics Complaints That Lead Palin To Resign?

That seems to be the reason gaining the most traction, that Palin couldn’t work and the cost of defending herself against all the ethics complaints was too much to handle. Here’s a segment from FOX News where Sean Parnell, Palin’s successor, repeats just that.

I can buy that as a reason, but does that mean she is ready for the White House? Absolutely not. Think of Bill Clinton. During his tenure in the White House he faced over 50 ethics investigations, from Monica Lewinsky to who was on their Christmas card list, with only the former sticking. Throughout all that Clinton was able to  remain one of the most popular Presidents ever and do thinks like turn the deficit into a surplus.

So knowing that then who would be lay blame for these investigations on? Would it be the Democrats and liberal groups, who most likely filed most of the complaints against Palin, or would it be the Republicans, who started the entire culture of investigating our leaders? I would say the former. It would be nice if Republicans could also remember that. They thought it would be fun to bring ethics complaint after ethics complaint against our leaders, but when the tables are turned and the leader happens to be from their own party those investigations aren’t so much fun. It’s a level of hypocrisy that has very serious political consequences. 

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