
GOP Strategy “Yell, Stand Up And Shout”

The harassment Democratic members of Congress are receiving while trying to explain healthcare now appears to be a well orchestrated move by right wing groups. Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks, two right wing lobbying groups that brought us such hits as the “tea parties” has sent out a memo to supporters which gives pointers such as:

– Artificially Inflate Your Numbers: “Spread out in the hall and try to be in the front half. The objective is to put the Rep on the defensive with your questions and follow-up. The Rep should be made to feel that a majority, and if not, a significant portion of at least the audience, opposes the socialist agenda of Washington.”

– Be Disruptive Early And Often: “You need to rock-the-boat early in the Rep’s presentation, Watch for an opportunity to yell out and challenge the Rep’s statements early.”

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate: “The goal is to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda. If he says something outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right back down. Look for these opportunities before he even takes questions.”

In the dawn of the Gates controversy I was thinking that perhaps someone should call the police. If yelling in your own house is “disturbing the peace”, then yelling and disrupting an informative meeting on one of the most vital issues facing our nation should also be considered such.

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