
Loving Their Guns


There were at a minimum twelve people spotted at a presidential even yesterday carrying sidearm’s and/or assault riffles. Here’s a report from CNN on the madness.

Embedded video from CNN Video

I really think these people are more proud of their egos than their right to bear arms. Think of it as the child who keeps misbehaving, despite warnings from their parents that they will be in trouble. They ignore that and just keep pushing and pushing until the final sentencing actually gets handed down.

The same applies to these people. They believe that President Obama is going to take away their guns, and they don’t want to be wrong. To stoke their ego they keep pushing and pushing their “right” to bear arms, hoping that President Obama will prove them right.

Adding – how many of these people are crazy enough to believe the birther crap? They have no sense of reality and yet they can be armed. That is a danger to our country, and this is from someone who does believe in the second amendment.

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