
Muddling The Fanatics

I found this argument to be beyond absurd:

Fully 35 percent of Democrats believe George W. Bush had advance knowledge of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Fully 28 percent of Republicans believe Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

Meet the fanatical third.

The two can not be compared. A month prior to the attacks of 9/11, President Bush received a morning briefing stating that bin Laden was determined to attack and will use airplanes. That is advanced knowledge, which has been proven time and again. So those 35% are right, not fanatics as the author insists.

Perhaps what he is trying to equate them to is the truthers – those crazies that think George Bush and Co. actually helped orchestrate the attacks. That would be wrong, and a loaded question such as this opens the polling data up to erroneous reporting. True Bush and Co. help, but that was only through their own negligence to act (the same thing as the right says about Clinton).

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