
Secret Service May Investigate Obama As Joker Fax

This is what the lies and fear mongering of that GOP has lead us to:

The Secret Service may investigate a fax sent to a Democratic lawmaker that depicts President Barack Obama as the Joker and warns of “death to all Marxists.”

The black-and-white fax portrays Obama in makeup similar to that worn by actor Heath Ledger in his portrayal of the Joker in last summer’s “The Dark Knight.”

On Obama’s forehead is a communist hammer-and-sickle insignia, and beneath the image is the text: “Death to All Marxists! Foreign and Domestic!”

Rep. Brian Baird (D-Wash.) received the fax and passed it along to U.S. Capitol Police.

I’ve been reading a lot of right wing blogs and its amazing how they try to compare these teabaggers and actions to those of the anti-war protestors. I don’t remember any anti-war protestor faxing death threats against Bush.

Again – when will GOP leadership get out there and strongly denounce these actions? When will they act like not only leaders, but also responsible adults instead of fanning these flames of extremism? Their silence on this issue is complicit in these crimes.

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