
How Crazy Is The Extreme Right?

guillotine This crazy:

Jerome Corsi, the author of “The Obama Nation,” an anti-Obama book, says that a proposal in Congress “appears designed to create the type of detention center that those concerned about use of the military in domestic affairs fear could be used as concentration camps for political dissidents, such as occurred in Nazi Germany.”

It goes on far beyond that to include the “off with their head” defense of the administration. Yes – the right is saying that the Obama administration is stock piling guillotines to behead its critics.

This latest episode of “crapsiracy theories gone wild” has even sparked some on the right to go after World Net Daily in much the same way that William F. Buckley went after the John Birch Society back in the 60s.

We could be seeing the dawn of a major GOP civil war brewing and it is going to be a lot of fun to watch from the sidelines. The war has been brewing for quiet sometime now, and been fueled by GOP members of Congress offering validation to some of these whack-job claims. When it does happen they have no one to blame but themselves, although they will try to blame Obama for it. My guess is it will be the product of some mind controlling machine that caused Republicans to attack one another.

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