
There Is No Bill!

Something I wish President Obama would have mentioned last night is that there isn’t a bill. For the last couple of months the Republicans have been talking about “how bad this bill is”. Some are referring to the bill that came out of a House committee, and others are talking about other proposals floating through Congress.

For a good example of this, on Morning Joe Senator Judd Gregg was talking about how companies will be better off paying the fines than offering coverage. Of course what Gregg is referring to is the crap Max Baucus plan that appeared Tuesday – a plan quickly rejected by a vast majority of Democrats. But again – it’s just one of many plans circulating Capital Hill, not “the bill”.

This is where the Republicans are being dishonest. Instead of trying to engage in constructive debate, they are acting as if there is some final product ready to be voted on and heading to conference. You would think Republicans would have a better idea of how Congress operates, but apparently they don’t. If that isn’t the case, well then they lie.

What people need to start doing is asking these Republicans where they can find the bill at on Thomas, the library of Congress site that lists all current and past bills. Don’t let them say “well its on so and so’s site”. If it isn’t on Thomas then it isn’t a “bill” yet.

Of course none of this is shocking. The Republicans have cast their “party of no” philosophy into stone, and this just exemplifies that. None of them have shown an interest to actually work towards a common ground – they just want to see the President fail It’s the Limbaugh mentality that has taken over the GOP, and I believe once the campaign season really starts people will be quick to remember that.

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