
Bestest Health Care Eva!!!!


Yeah right:

Are Americans dying too soon? The answer is yes. When it comes to “preventable deaths” — an array of illnesses and injuries that should not kill at an early age — the United States trails other industrialized nations and has been falling further behind over the past decade.

And here is what really gets me:

During last week’s marathon health-care debate in the Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) bemoaned the findings.

“All of these countries have much lower costs than we do,” he said, pointing to a giant blue chart showing the United States in last place. “And they have higher quality outcomes than ours.”

And what else do all of these countries have Kent? Oh yeah – government run health care. I haven’t seen Kent change his position on that.

So why is it that these other countries can provide health care that results in longer life expectancy while spending less money per capita, and yet somehow it isn’t good enough for us? I am starting to agree with Republicans when they say “hit the reset button” on health care. Of course if we do that then Democrats need to just move forward with 100% universal coverage and tell the Republicans they are shit out of luck on any input into the legislation. They have been playing games for too long while countless Americans are suffering and/or dying.

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